Monday, February 4, 2013

His Grace is Sufficient!!

2 Corinthians 12:9  NIV   He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  Therefore,  I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.   


I’ve read it before, but today it hit me as I read it that I was only seeing half the picture here.  HIS grace is sufficient for me.  I’ve always known and understood that no matter how I messed up, HIS grace could cover my sins and my shortcomings - thank you, Jesus!  But if HIS grace is sufficient for me, then couldn’t it be sufficient to help me forgive others’ shortcomings, other people’s offenses toward me?  HIS grace is so OVER-abundant, couldn’t it flow into me and give me enough grace to see past even the deepest hurts to the depths of my heart and soul and to allow me to trust again?

I’m not the most forgiving person.  I don’t offend easily, but when I do, it’s hard for me to get past it, sometimes.  (See me boasting gladly about my weaknesses? J) Many have forgiven more than it seems is their share.  Could I be that forgiving if I was ever hurt or betrayed like some?  I'm not SURE I could be...  Could I be forgiving or would my heart start to plan revenge or just close up for fear of being hurt again?  But I feel like this verse tells me I could be that forgiving.  Not on my own strength.  But if I tap into HIS strength, HIS grace, isn’t there enough then?  His Word says it is.  His Word says it is sufficient.  That means it is sufficient for you also.    

My thesaurus lists four synonyms for sufficient:  adequate, enough, satisfactory, and AMPLE.  HE has ample grace to give some to me to take care of my JUNK - and plenty more to overflow to others that “mess with me.”  J  I don't have to trust that I can find the strength to forgive.  I probably can't.  But HIS grace is sufficient. 

Praise God! 
